संवाद # 129: Explosive truths of Indian Politics - Partition, 1984, Rajiv, Jinnah | Shiv Kunal Verma


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Shiv Kunal Verma was born into an army family and after his initial schooling at St Joseph’s Academy and a year at Fort Benning in the United States, he was sent to the Doon School. Having then graduated from Madras Christian College in Tambaram, his initial years were spent working with Tiger Tops Mountain Travel in Ladakh and Nepal.

Subsequently a journalist, a film maker and a writer, he has worked briefly with India Today, the Associated Press and with Sanctuary Films before he teamed up with his associate Dipti Bhalla and formed KaleidoIndia, under which banner some classic films like Salt of the Earth and the Standard Bearers were shot and produced. In 1999 he filmed the Kargil War and in the last decade and a half, has authored some exceptional books that include the Northeast Trilogy, 1962: The War That Wasn’t and 1965: A Western Sunrise. He is now working on the seminal Value Education Program for schools that aims at bringing India to Indians especially at the school and college levels.

His latest book 'Life of an Industani' is a whirlwind journey through critical events in India's 1980s and 90s, narrated in an honest, exhilarating and self-deprecating manner. You can order your copy here: https://www.amazon.in/Life-INDUSTANI-...

0:00 Promo
2:30 Life of Army Brat
7:50 Trekking in Kashmir & Ladakh in early 1980s
10:28 Meeting Sheikh Abdullah
13:30 India saved Siachen with Kunal’s help
23:00 Britishers made India’s partition plan in 1919
33:42 Jinnah was British agent
36:56 Maharaja Hari Singh spoiled British plans
40:54 Rajiv Gandhi knew about 1919 document
45:37 Why BJP isn’t releasing Henderson Brooks–Bhagat Report
50:04 Golden Temple, Bhindranwale & General Sundarji
59:02 Shekhar Gupta, Fake News & Journalism
1:03:11 Trilokpuri Voter List of Sikhs
1:07:28 Pleading with Giani Zail Singh to save Sikhs
1:11:23 Pleading with Major General Jamwal to save Sikhs
1:14:28 Interview with Granthi of Akal Takht & quitting Journalism
1:17:57 Meeting Rajiv Gandhi with proof of corruption of Jains
1:22:35 They arrest Kunal’s uncle
1:25:04 PMO threatens Kunal’s father
1:28:26 CIA’s hand in Indira Gandhi’s assassination
1:36:35 Mossad’s role in LTTE-Sri Lanka war
1:38:32 Coupta Ji & General VK Singh
1:46:00 Coup story & Chidambaram’s hand
1:51:58 Saving Himalayas

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