آياتها اربع واربعون 44
معنى اسمها عرج ارتفع وعلا والمراد بالمعارج المصاعد التي تصعد فيها الملائكة وتعرج الى الله
سبب تسميتها انفراد السورة بذكر مفردة المعارج ودلالة هذا الاسم على المقصد العام للسورة وموضوعاتها
اسماؤها اشتهرت بسورة المعارج وتسمى سورة سال سائل وسورة الواقع
مقصدها العام التحذير من صفات الكافرين واخلاقهم والتحلي بصفات اهل الايمان
سبب نزولها سورة مكية لم تصح رواية في سبب نزولها او في نزول بعض آياتها
فضلها من النظائر التي كان يقرأ بها النبي في الصلوات ففي حديث ابن مسعود الطويل قال كان النبي يقرأ النظائر السورتين في ركعة وسال سائل والنازعات في ركعة حديث صحيح رواه ابو داود
مناسباتها مناسبة اول سورة المعارج باخرها الحديث عن سؤال المكذبين عن العذاب وتقريره فقال في فاتحتها سال سائل بعذاب واقع وقال في خاتمتها خاشعة ابصارهم ترهقهم ذلة ذلك اليوم الذي كانوا يوعدون
مناسبة سورة المعارج لما قبلها من سورة الحاقة لما تحدثت الحاقة عن يوم القيامة ناسب مجيء المعارج لبيان مقدار هذا اليوم بخمسين الف سنة
Its verses number forty-four (44).
The meaning of its name:
'Al-Ma'arij' (The Ascendant Steps): Refers to the ascensions or the pathways through which angels ascend to Allah. The term 'Al-Ma'arij' signifies the elevations or the ascents.
The reason for its naming:
The chapter is distinguished by its unique mention of the term 'Al-Ma'arij' (The Ascendant Steps), which signifies the general theme and the subjects of the chapter.
Its names:
It is commonly known as Surah 'Al-Ma'arij' and is also referred to as 'Sa'ala Sa'ilun' (A Questioner Asked) and Surah 'Al-Waqi'ah' (The Inevitable Event).
Its general purpose:
The chapter aims to warn against the characteristics and behaviors of disbelievers and to promote the adoption of the qualities of the faithful.
The reason for its revelation:
It is a Meccan chapter, and there is no authenticated narration concerning the reason for its revelation or the revelation of some of its verses.
Its merit:
It is one of the pairs of chapters that the Prophet Muhammad used to recite in prayers. According to a lengthy narration by Ibn Mas'ud, the Prophet would recite these pairings in a single Rak'ah, including 'Sa'ala Sa'ilun' and 'Al-Naziat' (Those Who Drag Forth) in one Rak'ah. This hadith is authentic and reported by Abu Dawood.
Its contexts:
The relevance of the beginning of Surah 'Al-Ma'arij' to its end: The chapter begins by discussing the disbelievers' questioning about the punishment and affirming it, as stated in its opening verse: 'A questioner asked about a punishment bound to happen' and concludes by describing the humility and disgrace on the day they were promised, as mentioned in its closing verse: 'Their eyes humbled, humiliation will cover them; such is the Day they have been promised.'
The connection of Surah 'Al-Ma'arij' to the preceding Surah 'Al-Haqqah' (The Reality):
Since 'Al-Haqqah' talks about the Day of Judgment, the arrival of 'Al-Ma'arij' is appropriate for explaining the extent of that day as fifty thousand years.
(سورة المعارج) تلاوة حزينة حتما ستُبكيك للقارئ ماجد القيطان -🥺Very Emotional Quran Recitation