Somalia lashes out at Ethiopia-Somaliland port deal

Al Jazeera English

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Somalia has lashed out at a port deal signed by Ethiopia with the breakaway Somaliland.
Following an emergency meeting on Tuesday, the Somali cabinet said the agreement allowing Ethiopia to use the Red Sea port of Berbera is null and void.
Mogadishu also said it was recalling its ambassador to Ethiopia for deliberations, claiming that the deal endangers the region’s stability.
Landlocked since 1991, Ethiopia has relied on neighbouring Djibouti for its help in enabling most of its maritime trade. But tension has been simmering around the Horn of Africa as Addis Ababa has pushed for improved access to a seaport.

Abdi Aynte is the Former Somali Minister of Planning and International Cooperation. He joins us live from Nairobi to discuss the latest updates.

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