The History of the White Star Line

Part-Time Explorer

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The White Star Line is arguably the most famous shipping line in history, but it gets a bad reputation for its high profile sinkings, such as the Titanic, Atlantic, and Britannic, but is this fair? There's so much more to the story of this company than what's commonly known. Let's take an in-depth tour of it, from its inception in 1845 to its merger with Cunard in 1934, to what is left today.

A companion video will follow shortly profiling each ship in the White Star Line's fleet from 1870 - 1934. Stay tuned on this channel, and I'll add it to the description when it's posted.

0:00 - 0:21: Introduction
0:21 - 4:18: The Original White Star Line
4:18 - 11:11: Thomas Ismay's White Star Line
11:11 - 16:22: Luxury Over Speed
16:22 - 24:16: The International Mercantile Marine Company
24:16 - 27:25: The First World War
27:25 - 34:19: After the War

Special thanks to Levi Rourke for animating various ships of the fleet, and Lucas Gustaffson for providing several of the models.

These videos were posted on my previous channel, but are being re-uploaded here with minor edits (mainly corrections).



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