Ranmaru, a Shiba Inu, loves to be petted.
As Ranmaru begins to feel comfortable being stroked, he turns over and requests a tummy stroke.
In this video, a week has passed since the big earthquake, and Ranmaru has come home and calmed down.
Then, when Ranmaru noticed that his family was approaching, he rolled over and asked for his first tummy pat in a long time. (He doesn't touch his face to the ground)
At the time of the earthquake seven days ago, when I returned home after having a party at my grandma's house, Ranmaru seemed to want to go for a walk, so I went for a walk. We were able to survive because all of our family members happened to be outside and were able to escape before the collapse. A week has passed since then, and although there are still some earthquakes, things are calming down, and supplies and electricity have begun to reach people, so Ranmaru and we are gradually starting to calm down. thank you very much.
#shibe #japan #earthquake #shobe #shiba