10000$Walnut and epoxy table. WOODWORKING


377,000 Subscribers

1,868 views since Nov 26, 2023

You can buy the tools from the following links:
Purchase at Banggood:
Woodworking Clamp: https://ban.ggood.vip/13H82
- Coupon code: BG2b145d
Woodworking Scriber: https://ban.ggood.vip/13Htj
- Coupon code: BGc10629
Positioning Square: https://ban.ggood.vip/13H86
- Coupon code: BG53a855
Guide Rail Square: https://ban.ggood.vip/13H88
- Coupon code: BG8cf9d8
wireless charger https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_Dl2...

In this video i show how to make a table out of epoxy and walnut i also show how you can save epoxy by replacing it with wood particles i also installed a wireless charger for my phone and made a glowing phosphor emblem
  / avs_wood  
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