Codeforces Round 667 (Div. 3) Stream + All Solutions (A-F) (+ extra)

Colin Galen

208,000 Subscribers

121,176 views since Nov 26, 2023

Join this discord to find out when more streams will happen (because of school, they're definitely going to be inconsistent):   / discord  

Contest link:
My submissions:

Starting out 00:00
A solving + solution 7:48
B solving + solution 12:32
C solving + solution 20:56
D solving + solution 34:05
E solving + solution 44:49
Becoming very distracted 1:15:03
F solving + solution 1:20:40
Random stuff 1:48:48
Struggling to change channel banner 1:55:11
Re-explaining E 2:04:20
Random stuff 2 (+ chess apparently) 2:19:15



[email protected]