Russia launched a missile attack against Ukraine in the early hours of January 13, Ukraine's Air Force announced on Telegram. Nearly all of Ukraine's oblasts were under an active air alert as Russian fighter jets launched cruise missiles, the Kyiv Independent reported. Ukraine's Air Force also reported MiG-31K interceptor fighter jets launching Kinzhal hypersonic missiles. UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced a new multibillion-dollar aid package for Ukraine during a surprise visit to Kyiv on January 12. Sunak also signed a 10-year security cooperation agreement with Ukraine during his visit. Moscow would consider the open deployment of British troops to Ukraine as a “declaration of war,” Russia’s Dmitry Medvedev warned. Russia called US proposals to confiscate up to $300 billion in frozen Russian assets “21st Century Piracy”. Watch this video to know what's latest in the ongoing Ukraine-Russia war.
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