🎵🌟 Going to the Market: Ultimate 2-Hour Kids' Songs Compilation | Sing-Along Fun Tunes for Children


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🎶 Get ready for an enchanting journey with our one-hour LooLoo Kids compilation! 🌟 Delight your little ones with a captivating collection of children's songs. 🤗 From ABCs to catchy tunes, our handpicked selection guarantees hours of joyful learning and entertainment. 📚🎤 Join the LooLoo Kids family for the ultimate kids' music experience! 🚀🌈

00:00:00 - Going to the Market
00:02:16 - Under a Button
00:03:34 - Wash you hands
00:05:33 - Cobbler
00:07:14 - Five Little Monkyes
00:09:30 - Mary, Mary, Quite Contray
00:11:04 - The more we get together
00:13:08 - One Potato, Two Potatoes
00:14:51 - Miss Polly had a Dolly
00:16:14 - A sailor went to sea
00:19:23 - Three Little Kitten
00:21:46 - Wind the bobbin
00:23:34 - The Wheels On The Bus
00:25:44 - Seven Days
00:27:41 - Pin Pon
00:29:30 - The Secret Song of Happiness
00:31:48 - Hickory Dickory Dock
00:34:13 - There's a happy little duck
00:36:27 - Sweet Dreams and Good Night
00:38:29 - Polly, Put the Kettle
00:40:16 - Skip to my lou
00:41:48 - Looby Loo
00:43:59 - She's my friend Lola
00:45:28 - Skidamarink
00:47:02 - Barber, barber, cut my hair
00:49:03 - Tickle Time
00:51:06 - A Flower in My Garden
00:52:35 - He's got the whole world
00:54:45 - My two little hands
00:57:10 - Shaky Shaky
00:59:00 - Bunny Hop
01:00:07 - Pussy Cat, Pussy Cat
01:01:38 - Ten in a Bed
01:04:05 - Two Little Dickie Bird
01:05:53 - Five Little Speckled Frogs
01:08:08 - The Muffin Man
01:10:05 - Zigaloo
01:12:26 - Peek-a-Boo
01:14:14 - The bear went over the mountain
01:16:49 - Mommy's Walking to the Mark
01:18:44 - She'll be Coming Round the Mountain
01:20:49 - Drawing Song
01:22:23 - The Helpful Little Girl
01:23:55 - Gossey Gander
01:25:31 - Ribbit, Ribbit
01:27:26 - Miller You`re Sleeping
01:29:00 - We Have Fun
01:31:30 - Down by the Bay
01:33:11 - Musical Instruments
01:35:41 - Finger family
01:37:33 - Chocolate
01:39:29 - Cupcake
01:42:03 - The frog song
01:44:03 - Clap your hands together
01:45:45 - Round and round
01:47:49 - Down By The Bay
01:49:29 - Hey Diddle Diddle
01:51:04 - Yankee Doodle
01:52:48 - A-Tisket
01:54:30 - The Little Green Frog

#loolookids #childrensongs #education #compilation #nurseryrhymes #kidssong 🌈LooLoo Kids Music APP 🎵 http://onelink.to/looloo
Spotify 🎶🌟 http://listento.loolookids.com/bestof...
Kidsy Music APP 🎼🌞 https://onelink.to/kidsy
Game for Toddlers 🎮🌼 https://3novg.app.link/F2ViI5MeN

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