On the day when PM Modi visited Lakshadweep, the UT became the 10th most searched word on Google in India. PM Modi shared a post of his visit to Lakshadweep which made headlines and went viral in no time. But, the popularity of Lakshadweep as a tourist destination invited ‘distasteful’ remarks from Maldives Govt. Reacting to a post featuring PM Modi's visit, Maldives MP Zahid Rameez said that the idea of competing with them is “delusional”. Reacting sharply to Maldives Govt, social media users from India triggered a meme fest to lambast politician. Netizens shared several posts on the ‘X’ giving a ‘reality check’ to the Maldives. With ‘Boycott Maldives’ trending, a user shared a post featuring Bollywood actor Paresh Rawal’s famous meme template. Notably, Maldives may be one of the top tourist spots, but PM Modi’s vision for Lakshadweep has propelled UT's tourism prospects. PM Modi’s focus is to uplift the lives of the people of Lakshadweep through various development projects. The Central Government plans to make Lakshadweep a major tourist hub like Maldives. PM Modi Govt has infused more than Rs 1,150 crore to enhance Lakshadweep’s infrastructure.
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