Narrated by Thomas Jones. A princess encounters a jubilant procession on a secluded beach and takes an enchanting journey to the stars in this sleepy retelling of the classic Greek tale of Bacchus and Ariadne.
00:00 Welcome to Get Sleepy
01:30 Relaxation before sleep
04:35 A peaceful sleepy story
34:15 Background sleep music
Tonight’s story takes us back in time and mythology, to a gorgeous Greek island. According to myth, this is where the princess Ariadne had a magical first encounter with Bacchus, the god of agriculture and wine. 😴
Sound design: ocean waves, sea birds. 🌊🦩
Narrator: Thomas Jones
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About Get Sleepy:
Get Sleepy is the #1 story-telling podcast designed to help you get a great night’s rest. By combining sleep meditation with a relaxing bedtime story for grown ups, each episode will guide you gently towards deeply relaxing sleep.