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🌲🗻🌼#38 Forgiven - Heidi - FULL EPISODES 🌼🗻🌲
Mr Sesemann comes to Dörfli with Grandmamma for a visit. When he sees them, Peter thinks they’re after him for breaking the wheelchair and he decides to run away.
At the cabin, everyone’s happiness (as Mr Sesemann and Grandmamma have seen Clara walk) is short-lived when Brigitte arrives and tells them that Peter is gone. They all look for Peter and Heidi finds him in the treehouse. She talks to him and convinces him to come back.
At the cabin, Peter apologises but it’s Clara who asks for Peter’s forgiveness, as she knows she partly stole his friend Heidi and that pushed him to act recklessly. Now she walks, she doesn’t need the wheelchair anymore!
Peter accepts Clara’s friendship and with Heidi, they all take a new Oath in the treehouse.
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