When An Evil Daughter Realizes She’s Been Arrested

Police Insider

283,000 Subscribers

446,135 views since Nov 26, 2023

On March 23, 2023, officers were dispatched in response to a case of domestic violence. They were informed that a mother had been assaulted by her 24-year-old daughter. All the while, the daughter kept blaming her mother for her condition. Soon, the suspect's mother informed the police about the actual events. The suspect's mother informed the police that her daughter had punched her multiple times. While being transported to jail, the female continued arguing with the police. The female was charged with domestic violence, obstructing official business and resisting arrest.

Chapters and key moments:

0:00 Highlights
0:11 Daughter abuses her mother
3:03 My mom's crazy!
6:21 She bit me
9:30 That isn't my mom
12:24 She punched me a lot!
15:02 She's lying
17:28 Charges
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Police Insider provides unbiased and authentic footage of incidents captured on body cams. We believe this footage can be used as an educational guide for viewers.

We only provide unique and original content that hasn’t been covered before on YouTube.

The raw footage for the videos on this channel have been obtained directly from the respective Police Departments. We as a media company have the right to use it commercially. Most incidents may require a fee associated with the request and take several days to process.

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Our channel is compliant with YouTube's Fair Use Policy as we create a storyline and cut down several hours of long footage to a few minutes to bring out the most entertaining and educational parts, just like other channels such as Code Blue Cam, Real World Police, Active Police Cam, Blue Watch and Bodycam FIles.

The featured content is NOT intended to publicly shame, ridicule, or degrade the individuals involved or to glorify violence in any way.

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