The End of the War in Colour - Part 1: Inside the Reich | History Documentary
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Inside the Reich:
Germany is defeated, but not yet occupied. While the Red Army is already at the Oder, the Allies are making slow progress in the West. Only when Cologne is conquered and the bridge at Remagen has fallen into the hands of the Americans does the Wehrmacht's will to defend itself weaken. Now American camera teams are also allowed into the areas liberated from the Nazis. Their first destination is the Remagen Bridge, which has already become a legend. The evacuated inhabitants of Cologne return to their destroyed city. Impressive colour shots show the faces of the defeated. Other teams of "Special Film Project 186" and Hollywood director George Stevens follow the US troops through the Westerwald towards Thuringia.
When US troops conquer Nazi Germany from the West in March 1945, camera teams follow, documenting the defeated and occupied country. The special feature: they shoot in 16mm colour. The result is unique film footage of the destroyed cities and their inhabitants, but also depressing images of the victims of terror and the policy of extermination.
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