The movie story deals with Preeti a wealthy young medical student living in Mumbai with her widower father, Heerachand. While on a trip to Simla, she meets and falls in love with Prem; they get intimate with each other. Prem asks Heerachand for his daughter's hand in marriage. Preeti's father refuses, on the ground that the hard-up Prem is not worthy of her. Prem leaves Preeti a note, explaining that her father refused the alliance and that he is heading to meet his mother, who is very sick. Heerachand gets hold of the letter before Preeti. He changes the letter with a fake one that says Prem is going away because Heerachand has refused to provide any monetary compensation. Years later, Prem and Preeti are fated to meet again. This time, Prem is accompanied by a handicapped boy, Rahul, while Preeti is about to get engaged to Dr. Amar. It is revealed that Rahul is Prem's and Preeti's son. Prem has come to Dr. Amar for Rahul's treatment. Preeti was pregnant when her father sent Prem away. She gave birth to a baby, but her father told her that it was still-born. Prem took his son and promised Heerachand that he would never tell Preeti about the child. Dr. Amar treats Rahul as Preeti tries to hide her past from Dr. Amar. Preeti learns the truth about Rahul's birth and confronts her father, who confesses and asks her forgiveness while Rahul is united with his parents.