Mahua Moitra, expelled TMC MP, vacates Delhi bungalow after eviction notice

The Economic Times

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Trinamool Congress MP Mahua Moitra vacated her Government allotted accommodation in New Delhi on January 18. House number 9B Telegraph Lane in New Delhi was vacated by 10 am today. Later, the possession was handed over by her lawyers to the Directorate of Estates who are inspecting and engaged in due process. The premises were vacated before authorities arrived and no eviction took place at all, informed TMC leader Mahua Moitra’s office. Earlier, The Delhi High Court on January 18 refused to grant relief to the TMC leader and expelled MP Mahua Moitra by denying the stay on the operation of eviction of the government bungalow. Moitra had challenged the eviction order and sought a stay. The high court noted that her expulsion has not been stayed by the Supreme Court.

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