We're going back in time to watch Saturday morning cartoons on Fox Kids. Don't forget your pajamas, a comfy blanket, and a bowl of sugary cereal.
This is a compilation video I put together using footage of commercials and episodes from shows that played on Saturday mornings (from 8 in the morning to noon) on Fox in the 90's. It is based off one of the 1995 schedules for Fox Kids Saturday mornings, with inspiration also coming from one of the 1996 schedules as well as earlier schedules. Certain shows (like X-Men, Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers, Goosebumps, and Bobby's World to name a few) can't be used for copyright reasons. These shows were substituted with other great cartoons and shows that played on Fox Kids around the same time. Think of it as a retro remix or a bootleg Saturday morning broadcast.
I hope you enjoy this little nostalgic trip back to the past. If you don't like commercials, you can fast-forward through them, but in my opinion, you'll be missing out because there are some good ones in there. This video is all about the experience, and commercials are a part of that experience. I do these videos as a hobby and had a great time going down memory lane as I put worked on this project. As the first attempt at a project like this, I think it went pretty well. There's definitely a few mistakes I made, and things I could have done better, but the next Saturday morning compilation should turn out better. At any rate, I hope you enjoy this video.
Disclaimer: I do not make any money or ask/accept any donations for these videos. I make them in my free time as a hobby, out of a love for old television, and because they're the kinds of videos I would like to be able to watch on Youtube. If you see Youtube ads (not commercials) on this video, that's because this video was copyright claimed by a variety of different companies, who chose to run ads on my video for their own profit. I also do not make these videos for children, but for adults like myself who are nostalgic for their childhoods. If the comments are disabled on this video or another like it, it's because Youtube set it as "for children." And that's the end of that disclaimer.
Here is a playlist of Saturday morning cartoons (and other similar broadcasts) videos I've made: • Saturday Morning Cartoons and Other B...
If you enjoy this video, here are other projects I work on that you might be interested in.
Bootleg Goosebumps Episodes: • Goosebumps -- Full Episodes (Bootleg)
Power Rangers Star Clash: • Power Rangers: Star Clash
00:00:00 Where on Earth is Carmen Sandiego?
00:30:03 Eek! Stravaganza
01:00:03 Masked Rider
01:30:03 Attack of the Killer Tomatoes
02:00:04 Casper
02:30:03 The Tick
03:00:12 Super Dave
03:30:01 Life with Louie
Where on Earth is Carmen Sandiego? - S02E02 - Hot Ice
Eek! Stravaganza - Fatal Eektraction/Postcards from the X-Zone
Masked Rider - S01E08 - Super Gold: Part 2
Attack of the Killer Tomatoes - S01E08 - Terminator Tomato from Tomorrow
Casper - S01E04 - Rocket Booster/A Really Scary Casper Moment/The Day of the Living Casper
The Tick - S01E06 - The Tick vs El Seed
Super Dave - S01E02 - Space Case
Life with Louie - S01E02 - Raindrops Keep Falling on My Bed
#FoxKids #SaturdayMorningCartoons #Bootleg