Top 10 BEST Solo Musicians on Got Talent Worldwide Will Leave You SPEECHLESS!

Top 10 Talent

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16,383 views since Nov 26, 2023

💰 WAIT!! Have you seen these famous contestants return years later? 👉    • Best AGT Acts Who CAME BACK on All St...   Don't you L-O-V-E when little kid contestants return YEARS LATER looking beautiful? Watch HERE 👉    • ALL GROWN UP! When Kids COME BACK Yea...  

Tokio Myers - BGT 2017 - 1:53
Mia Morris AGT 2022 - 4:42
Taj Farrant - Australia's Got Talent 2019 - 6:23
Martinova Majka - Croatia's Got Talent 2017 - 8:47
Johanne Astrid - Denmark's Got Talent 2017 - 13:16
Pierre Pihl - Denmark's Got Talent 2017 - 17:20
Kenny Petrie- BGT 2022 - 18:31
Lettice Rowbotham BGT 2014 - 19:45

#AGT #BGT #XFactor #GotTalent #GotTalent2022

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Got Talent is a British talent show TV format developed by Simon Cowell's SYCOtv company and owned by Fremantle Media Ltd. It has spawned spin-offs in over 70 countries, in what is now referred to as the 'Got Talent' format, similar to that described by Fremantle of the 'Idol' and 'The X Factor' singing show competition formats. Unlike those shows, Got Talent showcases a wide variety of artistic disciplines in addition to singing.

'Got Talent' was named the world's most successful reality TV format ever by Guinness World Records. Cowell stated, “I am very proud that Got Talent is a home grown British show. We owe its success to a group of very talented producers all over the world who have made this happen. And of course amazing talent.”

Top 10 Talent is a YouTube channel that selects and showcases the best performances from Got Talent, Idol, and X Factor shows around the world from America's Got Talent, Britain's Got Talent, Pilipinas Got Talent, India's Got Talent, Canada's Got Talent, Ukraine's Got Talent and so many more...



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