The Soul-Stirring Recitation of Surah At-Taubah | Repentance |Quran Voice Of Soul

Quran Voice of Soul

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This Surah, which is the ninth Surah of the Qur’ān, contains 129 verses and has been revealed in the ninth year A.H. (anno Hejira). Some parts of the Surah were revealed before the Battle of Tabūk, some parts during the Battle, and other parts were revealed after it.

Regarding the Islamic literature, the most recorded known names of this Surah are ‘At-Tawbah’ and ‘Al-Barā’at’. Since the subject of repentance of man and the return of the grace of Allah has repeatedly been referred to in this Surah, it has been called ‘At-Tawbah’, and for the fact that the Surah begins with the declaration of immunity towards idolaters, it has been named ‘Al-Barā’at’.

The subject matters of this Surah are mostly related to the subject matters of Surah Al-’Anfāl. For this matter, some commentators, considering this Surah the continuation of that one, have said that, because of this circumstance, Surah At-Tawbah has not needed to have the holy phrase Bismillāh-ir-Rahmān-ir-Rahim.

But, according to Sh‘iah’s belief, the traditions which have been received from Ahlul-Bayt (as) denote that this Surah is independent and the absence of Bismillāh at its beginning is for its wrathful tone due to the idolaters. The holy phrase Bismillāh is an indication of mercy and security, while this Surah has been commenced with the declaration of immunity towards perjured idolaters.

Most Beautiful Recitation of Surah At Taubah in the voice of Qari Suleiman and Hafiz Kamran

Soothing recitation

Opener of the quran

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