This is The 10 Commandments Kids Bible Song sung only acapella for easy memorization. We hope that Bible class teachers use it to learn the songs themselves as well as use it to add fun and understanding for children when singing it in class. Parents please use our Bible songs to fill your home with Bible knowledge!
This song was written by JoLinda Crump and is used with her permission. You can purchase her songbook that contains many more wonderful songs here:
Visit my Teachers Pay Teachers Store for a FEEE download! I have put the lyrics for this song in a Song Book with a QR code to help you find this video when you need it.
Follow us on Instagram: / singandlearnthebible
Thou Shalt Have,
No Other gods Before Me,
Or Graven Images,
Or Take my name in vain.
Remember the Sabbath
and keep it holy.
Honor thy father and
thy mother.
Thou Shalt not kill,
or commit adultrey.
Thou shalt not steal,
or bear false witness.
Thous shalt not covet,
with this the law was finished.
These are the Lord's
10 Commandements.
We try to make our videos as cheaply and as simply as possible, but equipment, props, costumes, and editing tools prices can add up quick. Please Consider Donating to Our Patreon!
/ singandlearnthebible