Ravindra kaushik- The black tiger
Ravindra Kaushik Story in Hindi | "BLACK TIGER" | RAW SPY/Agent | Inspirational Biography
रवींद्र कौशिक का जन्‍म 1952 में श्री गंगानगर, राजस्‍थान में हुआ था. वे पंजाबी परिवार से थे. टीनेज से ही थियेटर करते थे. तभी उन पर RAW की नजर पड़ी. 1975 में उन्‍होंने ग्रेजुएशन किया. इसके बाद उन्‍होंने RAW ज्‍वाइन कर ली.
Ravinder Kaushik was born in Sri Ganganagar, Rajasthan in 1952 to a Punjabi family. He was just a teenager who loved performing theater when he was spotted by India’s external intelligence agency, RAW. Nothing much is clear as to what happened in between his first contact with the RAW personnel during the national drama presentation and his graduation in 1975. Ravinder Kaushik joined the intelligence agency after graduating and little did he know that it would turn out to be a life-altering decision.
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