Why Quran was revealed in Arabic language ? What is the power of Arabic Langauge ? What message is hidden in Surah Yusuf ? What is the secret of Arabic ? #quranandscience #arabic #language #arabiclanguage #quranicverse #quranicarabic #neurolinguistica #vikings #alandalus #muslims #miracle
This video clip is a segment from the 5th chapter of my documentary series 40,000 years of knowlege. In this video clip, I will tell you about the power of Arabic language (The Fusha Arabic, What knowledge can it give you ? How Sahaba (the companions of prophet Muhammad s.a.w) conquered the world using the language of Quran. How does Quran talks about Neurolinguistics.
The entire chapter about the secrets of language can be seen on this link.
• Chapter 05/20 Part 2 - Hazrat Adam A....
And the entire documentary series of 40,000 years of knowledge can be seen on this playlist.
• Season 01 - 40,000 Years Of Knowledge...
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40,000 Years of Knowledge is a research based documentary series in which I'll take you on a journey with me, from The Start Of Everything to the End Of Everything through Religion, Science, History, Archeology & Prophecies.