I built a TANK for my son - Inspired by World of Tanks

Meanwhile in the Garage

1.02 million Subscribers

9,680 views since Nov 26, 2023

Play World of Tanks on PC now : https://tanks.ly/3d9BgVe
Use invite code "TANKMANIA", so that you can START PLAYING for FREE with extra items like:
• Premium Tank: Excelsior (British – Tier 5 – Heavy Tank)
• 3 Rental Premium Tanks: Tiger 131 (German – Tier 6 – Heavy Tank), Cromwell B (British – Tier 6 – Medium Tank), T34-85M (U.S.S.R – Tier 6 – Medium Tank)
• 250,000 credits
• 7 days WOT Premium Account Time

Dear friends,
In this video, I show you how I built a TANK for my son - inspired by World of Tanks. This project was a lot of fun and my son loves it!
For a very long time I wanted to build something grandiose and the developers of the World of Tanks game helped me with this.
I have been playing this game for a long time and I could not even imagine that one day WORLD OF TANKS - WARGAMING would become a sponsor of my project.
I am very grateful to them for their sponsorship.

In this video, I will share with you the production process of the Tank, which is very similar to the real one.
This tank has tracks, a turret and even shoots paintballs
My son was very pleased with this tank.

What do you think of this tank?

If you are satisfied with the video and want more such projects, then join the WOT community: Play World of Tanks on PC now: https://tanks.ly/3d9BgVe

Yours sincerely
Meanwhile in the Garage

And as always
The best equipment for your garage/workshop

#wot #Ibuiltatank #homemadetank #tank
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