Turning Small Trees into Big Buildings

Pilot Projects

72 Subscribers

15 views since Nov 26, 2023

Mass timber refers to large multilayered engineered wood panels that are
joined together to create solid architectural load-bearing components like columns, beams, and panels.

Mass timber is increasingly seen as an ecofriendly option in construction since building with wood generates 26% to 31% less greenhouse gas than building with concrete or steel respectively (CORRIM). Once the CO2 sequestered in its fiber is counted, wood is actually carbon negative. 1,000 m3 of wood traps the equivalent of 765 tons of carbon.

On top of that, mass timber is made using renewable wood-based materials
with high carbon storing potential. Its manufacturing involves little fossil
fuels, and incorporates small dimension lower grade timber that might
otherwise never be used in long-life applications.

Chantiers Chibougamau is a leader in producing mass timber products.
The Québec based family business has one of the largest engineered wood manufacturing plants in the world, producing I-joists, glue-laminated timber and cross-laminated timber all bearing the “Nordic Structures” label.

In September 2023, Pilot Projects were given a tour the company’s primary facility in Northern Quebec.

This is what we saw.

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