Amit Shah tweeted, “I welcome the Honorable Supreme Court of India's verdict upholding the decision to abolish #Article370. On the 5th of August 2019, PM Narendra Modi Ji took a visionary decision to abrogate #Article370. Since then peace and normalcy have returned to J&K. Growth and development have brought new meaning to human life in the valley once torn by violence. Prosperity in the tourism and agriculture sectors has raised the income levels of the residents of both Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh. Today, the Supreme Court’s verdict has proved that the decision to abrogate #Article370 was completely constitutional.”
#amitshah #article370 #supremecourt #jammuandkashmir
After the Supreme Court's five-judge bench delivered its verdict on the government's move to abrogate Article 370, Home Minister Amit Shah has embraced the court's decision affirming the abolition of Article 370. In August 2019, the government annulled Article 370, which had granted special status to the former state of Jammu and Kashmir. On Monday, the Supreme Court affirmed the validity of the government's 2019 decision.Furthermore, the apex court upheld the legitimacy of the decision to create the union territory of Ladakh by separating it from Jammu and Kashmir on August 5, 2019. On that pivotal day, the government not only revoked Article 370 but also divided the state into two union territories — Jammu and Kashmir, and Ladakh.
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