"July Day" Mountain painting Artist - Viktor Yushkevich.

Y.V.N Art

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Good day dear friends! I want to share with you a new video on painting the painting "July Day". The picture is painted with acrylic paints on canvas. The format of the picture is 70x110 cm.
I invite you to watch the full video on painting the painting "July Day". The video also shows the palette of colors used. You can watch this video by subscribing to my Patrion channel.
  / uvn_art  
The painting depicts a warm July day before a thunderstorm. Since the morning the men have been catching fish, which is not enough here. After collecting a good catch, they collect nets to be in time before a thunderstorm strikes.
The sky was filled with soft, colorful powerful clouds. The sun's rays through the clouds, like a curtain, descended to the ground and touching the water play together, producing shining, moving reflections. Soaring seagulls, enjoying the flight, fill the picture with life.
The compositional center in this picture is a small peninsula filled with beautiful trees with an elegant shape. On this picturesque peninsula, there is a church built in the last century and residential buildings that were formed in due time. The coast of the peninsula is strewn with sand-colored stones and a road rises from it to the buildings. Swaying charms and white water lilies enrich this landscape with lightness. This picture personifies the harmony of man with nature and God.
Take care of yourself! Sincerely, Victor!

Pictures that are available. ⬇
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Official page of the artist Viktor Yushkevich
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