Security, Stability, and the Future of Kashmir

Hudson Institute

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Hudson Institute will host a discussion on recent developments in Kashmir. Panelists will include the Heritage Foundation’s Jeff Smith, Indian politician and writer Salman Anees Soz, and the Atlantic Council’s Shuja Nawaz. The discussion will be moderated by Aparna Pande, Hudson research fellow and director of the Initiative on the Future of India and South Asia.

On August 5, India revoked the special status of the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir, dividing the one-time state into two union territories – Jammu and Kashmir as one territory and Ladakh as another. This ushered in security, administrative, and political issues both inside and outside India. Panelists will address these issues, including the domestic security implications of this decision by the Indian government, responses from the international community, and the implications for U.S. foreign policy in the region.



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