🌲🗻🌼#30 The Brooch - Heidi - FULL EPISODES 🌼🗻🌲

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🌲🗻🌼#30 The Brooch - Heidi - FULL EPISODES 🌼🗻🌲
Grandmother is sick and needs expensive medication. Peter and Brigitte don’t have enough money and Heidi really wants to help. When she finds a family heirloom in the Manor, a brooch that belonged to Ana, Grandfather’s wife, she thinks her only solution is to exchange it for Grandmother’s medication.
But that doesn’t solve the whole problem as the medication has to be delivered from the city and the train is stopped by a snowstorm. Grandfather braves the blizzard and fetches the medication in the stopped train, bringing along the precious new cash registered ordered by the Kellers.
Grandmother is saved and, to repay Grandfather and Heidi for delivering the cash register, Mrs Keller gives the brooch back.

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